Warhammer 40000: Kill Team - Pathfinders

Warhammer 40000: Kill Team – Pathfinders

RRP: 42.50
Now €43.57(SAVE 14%)
RRP €50.99
Expected Release Date 04/02/2025
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A fledgling race on the galactic stage, the T’au Empire fight for their future with high-tech weaponry and plucky optimism. Their Pathfinder teams are expert scouts and covert operatives who slip behind enemy lines and outgun their foes. This set of 13 miniatures builds a kill team accompanied by three drones, with options for specialists like the Drone Controller, Assault Grenadi…
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Category Tags , , , , , SKU GWS-99120113098 Availability Available to Pre-Order
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A fledgling race on the galactic stage, the T’au Empire fight for their future with high-tech weaponry and plucky optimism. Their Pathfinder teams are expert scouts and covert operatives who slip behind enemy lines and outgun their foes. This set of 13 miniatures builds a kill team accompanied by three drones, with options for specialists like the Drone Controller, Assault Grenadier, and Medical Technician. They come with a unique token sheet, and a transfer sheet containing 185 decals.

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A fledgling race on the galactic stage, the T’au Empire fight for their future with high-tech weaponry and plucky optimism. Their Pathfinder teams are expert scouts and covert operatives who slip behind enemy lines and outgun their foes. This set of 13 miniatures builds a kill team accompanied by three drones, with options for specialists like the Drone Controller, Assault Grenadier, and Medical Technician. They come with a unique token sheet, and a transfer sheet containing 185 decals.