Warhammer 40000: Kill Team - Inquisitorial Agents

Warhammer 40000: Kill Team – Inquisitorial Agents

RRP: £36.00
Now £30.75(SAVE 14%)
RRP £36.00
Expected Release Date 04/02/2025
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Inquisitors wield near-unlimited power, but they are still mortals – so they delegate sanctioned teams of special individuals to do their bidding. This set of seven miniatures builds a kill team led by an Interrogator, who is backed up by an eccentric crew that can contain a Death World Veteran, Penal Legionnaire, and Hexorcist, among others, while the bulk of their firepower is m…
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Inquisitors wield near-unlimited power, but they are still mortals – so they delegate sanctioned teams of special individuals to do their bidding. This set of seven miniatures builds a kill team led by an Interrogator, who is backed up by an eccentric crew that can contain a Death World Veteran, Penal Legionnaire, and Hexorcist, among others, while the bulk of their firepower is made up of requisitioned operatives from other valid Imperial kill teams. They also come with a unique token sheet.

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Inquisitors wield near-unlimited power, but they are still mortals – so they delegate sanctioned teams of special individuals to do their bidding. This set of seven miniatures builds a kill team led by an Interrogator, who is backed up by an eccentric crew that can contain a Death World Veteran, Penal Legionnaire, and Hexorcist, among others, while the bulk of their firepower is made up of requisitioned operatives from other valid Imperial kill teams. They also come with a unique token sheet.