Warhammer 40000: Imperial Agents Battleforce - Ordo Xenos

Warhammer 40000: Imperial Agents Battleforce – Ordo Xenos

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The insidious plots of the alien are covered by the Ordo Xenos, who may dispatch a strike force when the Space Marines or Astra Militarum are too slow, perhaps procuring valuable technology in the process… The Ordo Xenos battleforce is led by Lord Inquisitor Kyria Draxus, a radical who uses Xenos weapons. She battles alongside a Navigator, six Inquisitorial Agents with a Tome-skull…
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The insidious plots of the alien are covered by the Ordo Xenos, who may dispatch a strike force when the Space Marines or Astra Militarum are too slow, perhaps procuring valuable technology in the process… The Ordo Xenos battleforce is led by Lord Inquisitor Kyria Draxus, a radical who uses Xenos weapons. She battles alongside a Navigator, six Inquisitorial Agents with a Tome-skull, a Rogue Trader and her entourage, five Voidsmen-At-Arms and their loyal hound, and a squad of five Deathwatch Veterans riding a mighty Corvus Blackstar attack aircraft.*