Warhammer 40000 Deathwatch - PS4

Warhammer 40000 Deathwatch – PS4

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Playstation 4
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Warhammer 40,000 Deathwatch is a turn-based strategy game, set on the edge of Imperial space, where your Space Marines will take on the Tyranids in a series of tactical engagements. From war ravaged cities, to the insides of Tyranid bio-ships, the missions will see your Kill Team rise in strength and skill as you face ever greater threats and peril.
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Warhammer 40,000 Deathwatch is a turn-based strategy game, set on the edge of Imperial space, where your Space Marines will take on the Tyranids in a series of tactical engagements. From war ravaged cities, to the insides of Tyranid bio-ships, the missions will see your Kill Team rise in strength and skill as you face ever greater threats and peril.