War of Kings Omnibus

War of Kings Omnibus

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A cosmic epic connecting the Inhumans, X-Men and Guardians of the Galaxy! The Inhumans leave Earth and take their destined place as rulers of the Kree Empire! Meanwhile, Cyclops and Havok’s power-mad brother, Vulcan, claims the Shi’ar Empire’s throne, bringing the galaxy to the brink of destruction! With the Nova Corps, Starjammers and Guardians caught in the middl…
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A cosmic epic connecting the Inhumans, X-Men and Guardians of the Galaxy! The Inhumans leave Earth and take their destined place as rulers of the Kree Empire! Meanwhile, Cyclops and Havok's power-mad brother, Vulcan, claims the Shi'ar Empire's throne, bringing the galaxy to the brink of destruction! With the Nova Corps, Starjammers and Guardians caught in the middle, two empires make cosmic war - and the fallout might just tear the galaxy in half! Collecting: Uncanny X-Men (1981) 475-486, X-Men: Emperor Vulcan (2007) 1-5, Secret Invasion: War of Kings (2009) 1, X-Men: Kingbreaker (2009) 1-4, War of Kings: Darkhawk (2009) 1-2, War of Kings: Warriors (2009) 1-2, War of Kings (2009) 1-6, War of Kings: Ascension (2009) 1-4, War of Kings: Savage World of Sakaar (2009) 1, Nova (2007) 23-28, Guardians of the Galaxy (2008) 13-19, War of Kings: Who Will Rule? (2009) 1, Marvel Spotlilght: War of Kings (2009) 1, material from X-Men: Divided We Stand (2008) 2