Wake #1 (Paperback)

Wake #1 (Paperback)

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Space cruisers, admiral ships, war transports, maintenance shuttles... all in search of new liveable planets. A convoy named Wake upon which one can encounter all manner of races, intelligences, peoples but where one race remains as yet unknown. Human Beings. They are about to run into Naveee, a feisty young girl shipwrecked on a lush uninhabited planet who's grown up and fended ent…
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Category Tag SKU ZTP-9781561632671 Availability Backorder
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Space cruisers, admiral ships, war transports, maintenance shuttles... all in search of new liveable planets. A convoy named Wake upon which one can encounter all manner of races, intelligences, peoples but where one race remains as yet unknown. Human Beings. They are about to run into Naveee, a feisty young girl shipwrecked on a lush uninhabited planet who's grown up and fended entirely for herself. Contrary to all on Wake, who are either mind controllers or controlled, she is neither and that makes her very dangerous.