Wakanda Hulkbuster: Marvel HeroClix Iconix

Wakanda Hulkbuster: Marvel HeroClix Iconix

RRP: 19.99
Now €19.49(SAVE 18%)
RRP €23.99
Expected Release Date 01/01/2025
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Category Tag SKU ZBG-WZK84921 Availability Available to Pre-Order
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If you love the futuristic technology of Wakanda but also love walloping your opponents, the Marvel HeroClix Iconix: Wakanda Hulkbuster is a must-have for your HeroClix collection!

Black Panther has done it all, but piloting an awesome suit of armor ready to fight off a Hulk-sized threat is still among the coolest.

Don't miss the chance to get yours!

This product contains:

One Figure and its character card
Wakanda Hulkbuster
Window Box