Wahammer: The Horus Heresy - Legion imperialis Dark Mechanicum - Serperos Heavy Stalkers

Wahammer: The Horus Heresy – Legion imperialis Dark Mechanicum – Serperos Heavy Stalkers

RRP: £31.50
Now £28.89(SAVE 8%)
RRP £31.50
Expected Release Date 21/12/2024
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Create four Serperos Heavy Stalkers, towering constructs with powerful weapons and armour. Includes terminals for Adeptus Titanicus gameplay.
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Category Tags , , , , SKU GWS-99122619002 Availability Available to Pre-Order
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Create four Serperos Heavy Stalkers, towering constructs with powerful weapons and armour. Includes terminals for Adeptus Titanicus gameplay.

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Create four Serperos Heavy Stalkers, towering constructs with powerful weapons and armour. Includes terminals for Adeptus Titanicus gameplay.