Wahammer: 40,000 - Kill Team - Blades Of Khaine

Wahammer: 40,000 – Kill Team – Blades Of Khaine

RRP: £47.50
Now £43.29(SAVE 8%)
RRP £47.50
Expected Release Date 21/12/2024
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Create a kill team of 10 Aeldari Aspect Warriors, including Striking Scorpions with Exarch options. Includes unique tokens and faction datacards (sold separately).
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Category Tags , , , , , , SKU GWS-99120104105 Availability Available to Pre-Order
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Create a kill team of 10 Aeldari Aspect Warriors, including Striking Scorpions with Exarch options. Includes unique tokens and faction datacards (sold separately).

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Create a kill team of 10 Aeldari Aspect Warriors, including Striking Scorpions with Exarch options. Includes unique tokens and faction datacards (sold separately).