VS System 2PCG: Marvel - Civil War Battles

VS System 2PCG: Marvel – Civil War Battles

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Welcome to the new Giant-Sized Starter! The Civil War Battles is the first issue of the 3-part Civil War story arc. A conflict has been brewing between Iron Man and Captain America for their stances on the Superhero Registration Act. As it begins to bubble over it will turn the entire world into a battleground for the world’s most powerful superheroes! Friend against friend an…
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Welcome to the new Giant-Sized Starter! The Civil War Battles is the first issue of the 3-part Civil War story arc. A conflict has been brewing between Iron Man and Captain America for their stances on the Superhero Registration Act. As it begins to bubble over it will turn the entire world into a battleground for the world's most powerful superheroes! Friend against friend and brother against brother, which side will you choose?

Game Unit:

200 Playable Cards
1 Rulebook
1 Token Sheet