Vortex Mega-Hedral - Bright Green/Black 7-Die Set

Vortex Mega-Hedral – Bright Green/Black 7-Die Set

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For use in tabletop RPG games (such as Dungeons & Dragons). Contains 7 Vortex Bright Green Dice with black numbers in the following Shapes: 1 x Mega 20-sided die (LV2000) 1 x Mega 12-sided die (LV1200) 1 x Mega Tens 10-sided die (LV1100) 1 x Mega 10-sided die (LV1000) 1 x Mega 8-sided die (LV0800) 1 x Mega 6-sided die (LV0600) 1 x Mega 4-sided die (LV0400) Comes in 02801 Dis…
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Category Tags , , SKU ZBG-CHX22430 Availability Available to Pre-Order
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For use in tabletop RPG games (such as Dungeons & Dragons).

Contains 7 Vortex Bright Green Dice with black numbers in the following Shapes:

1 x Mega 20-sided die (LV2000)
1 x Mega 12-sided die (LV1200)
1 x Mega Tens 10-sided die (LV1100)
1 x Mega 10-sided die (LV1000)
1 x Mega 8-sided die (LV0800)
1 x Mega 6-sided die (LV0600)
1 x Mega 4-sided die (LV0400)

Comes in 02801 Display Case w/ Lid and Foam Square

This color is Black Light Reactive! It will react to a Black Light Flashlight.

Vortex® is a registered trademark of Chessex. Mega-hedral™ is a trademark of Chessex.