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As sellers and collectors of vintage objects at a flea market, you are always looking for the best items to bring to your shop! Collect furniture and deco items from the 1950s to the 1980s, and get the best collections, possibly stealing those items from other players! Color, type of items, and years will earn you points! In Vintage, players place item cards face down to the side of…
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As sellers and collectors of vintage objects at a flea market, you are always looking for the best items to bring to your shop! Collect furniture and deco items from the 1950s to the 1980s, and get the best collections, possibly stealing those items from other players! Color, type of items, and years will earn you points!

In Vintage, players place item cards face down to the side of their display case (a.k.a. their hands). This stack is known as a player's hoard. A player can look at their own hoard at any time, but may not look at other players' hoards. Players start with 1-3 cards in their display case and no cards in their hoards. On your turn, your perform three actions in this order:

1. Choose one item card from your display case and save it for later by placing it face down on top of your hoard.
2. Then, either steal one item card from another player’s display case and add it to your display, or salvage the top card from the face-up discard pile and add it face up to your display.
3. Draw two item cards from the face-down deck, place one face up in your display and the other face up on the discard pile.

To score, lay out the 17 bonus cards and award each card to the player who has hoarded the most cards in the corresponding category.