Vindication: The Archive of the Ancients

Vindication: The Archive of the Ancients

RRP: £287.99
Now £220.35(SAVE 23%)
RRP £287.99
Expected Restock Date 01/04/2025
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The Archive of the Ancients is a massive upgrade to Vindication that introduces loads of new quality-of-life content, including a huge box that holds darn near everything and has room for future content as well. The Archive includes: – Single box storage solution – Unified rulebook – Brand new Gametrayz storage system – Expanded, personal player trays –…
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The Archive of the Ancients is a massive upgrade to Vindication that introduces loads of new quality-of-life content, including a huge box that holds darn near everything and has room for future content as well. The Archive includes: - Single box storage solution - Unified rulebook - Brand new Gametrayz storage system - Expanded, personal player trays - Illustrated card boxes & dividers - 5 new action trackers in dual-layered 3mm blackcore with thick wooden discs This version of the Archive of the Ancients box comes fully loaded. It includes everything ever released except: sleeves, the neoprene board. Includes: - The Archive of the Ancients - Vindication - Vindication: Leaders & Alliances - Vindication: Chronicles - Vindication: Villages & Hamlets Module Collection - Vindication: Odyssey Module (from the World Box) - Community Promo Pack (2021) - Wintertide Promo Pack (2020) - Community Promo Pack (2019) - OG Promo Pack (2018) - BGR Promo Pair (2021) - Man Vs Meeple Promo Pair (2020) - Dice Tower Promo Pair (2019) - Board Game Spotlight Promo Pair (2019) - Metal Threshold Medallions - OG Boulder Hulk - Boulder Hulk Awakened


The Archive of the Ancients is a massive upgrade to Vindication that introduces loads of new quality-of-life content, including a huge box that holds darn near everything and has room for future content as well. The Archive includes: - Single box storage solution - Unified rulebook - Brand new Gametrayz storage system - Expanded, personal player trays - Illustrated card boxes & dividers - 5 new action trackers in dual-layered 3mm blackcore with thick wooden discs This version of the Archive of the Ancients box comes fully loaded. It includes everything ever released except: sleeves, the neoprene board. Includes: - The Archive of the Ancients - Vindication - Vindication: Leaders & Alliances - Vindication: Chronicles - Vindication: Villages & Hamlets Module Collection - Vindication: Odyssey Module (from the World Box) - Community Promo Pack (2021) - Wintertide Promo Pack (2020) - Community Promo Pack (2019) - OG Promo Pack (2018) - BGR Promo Pair (2021) - Man Vs Meeple Promo Pair (2020) - Dice Tower Promo Pair (2019) - Board Game Spotlight Promo Pair (2019) - Metal Threshold Medallions - OG Boulder Hulk - Boulder Hulk Awakened