Villages of Valeria: Landmarks

Villages of Valeria: Landmarks

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Monuments introduces hard to build Monuments to the game. When built, Monuments will bring a lot of Victory Points to your Village, but be sure to keep an eye on the end conditions because someone might end the game before you have a chance to complete your construction! 8 new Monuments are included, along with 4 new Adventurers (Peddler, Captain, Mage, & Baker) and a Rules Re…
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Monuments introduces hard to build Monuments to the game. When built, Monuments will bring a lot of Victory Points to your Village, but be sure to keep an eye on the end conditions because someone might end the game before you have a chance to complete your construction!

8 new Monuments are included, along with 4 new Adventurers (Peddler, Captain, Mage, & Baker) and a Rules Reference card.