Vampire 5th RPG: Revelations of the Dark Mother

Vampire 5th RPG: Revelations of the Dark Mother

RRP: $34.99
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RRP $44.99
Expected Release Date 04/01/2025
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Mature Advisory: contains graphic and written content of a mature nature, including violence, sexual themes, and strong language. Reader discretion is advised.

Lilith. Mother of the Damned, the Dark Queen who will arise and usher in the end of the world. Feared by the Children of Caine and adored by her followers Bahari, the mere existence of Lilith gives the lie to the myth of Caine as the sole progenitor of all Kindred. Or so many choose to believe as they search for meaning in the night.

Explore the hidden legends of Lilith, discover stories guiding the Bahari of modern nights and discover a new vampire creation myth to challenge the legend of Caine!


A Vampire: The Masquerade classic last printed over 20 years ago.
Presents sacred texts and rites of the Bahari, as featured in Cults of the Blood Gods.
The fictitious author Rachael Dolium’s original work is restored in this stunning hardcover printing with a ribbon bookmark.
Contains a new forward by Ayisha Jocastation.
At a Glance

Accessory for the Vampire: The Masquerade 5th Edition RPG
Ages: 18+