Valeria Card Kingdoms: Shadowvale

Valeria Card Kingdoms: Shadowvale

RRP: £24.99
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RRP £24.99
Expected Restock Date 01/04/2025
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Darkness looms upon the Kingdom of Valeria. Werewolves, Vampires, and other shadowy creatures reach out in the night to tear apart your people. But never fear, new Citizens have joined the fray – some specializing in taking out these dark creatures! Valeria: Card Kingdoms – Shadowvale brings in a whole new set of Citizens, Monsters, Domains, and Dukes that you can play stand…
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Category Tags , , SKU ZBG-DMGVCK020 Availability Backorder
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Darkness looms upon the Kingdom of Valeria. Werewolves, Vampires, and other shadowy creatures reach out in the night to tear apart your people. But never fear, new Citizens have joined the fray - some specializing in taking out these dark creatures!

Valeria: Card Kingdoms – Shadowvale brings in a whole new set of Citizens, Monsters, Domains, and Dukes that you can play stand-alone using components from the base game, or mix with card stacks from the base game for all new experiences.