V-Cube 6b (Pillow)

V-Cube 6b (Pillow)

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V-CUBE 6 Pillow-shaped White Body Cube V-CUBE 6 is the 6x6x6 version of the V-CUBE family! V-CUBE 6b is a multicolored, six-layered cube with exceptional quality and incredibly smooth rotation. The player is required to discover a strategy to achieve uniform colored sides on her/his V-CUBE 6. The possible number of permutations of the V-CUBE 6 is 1.57*10^116 and weights only 212g! …
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V-CUBE 6 Pillow-shaped White Body Cube

V-CUBE 6 is the 6x6x6 version of the V-CUBE family! V-CUBE 6b is a multicolored, six-layered cube with exceptional quality and incredibly smooth rotation. The player is required to discover a strategy to achieve uniform colored sides on her/his V-CUBE 6. The possible number of permutations of the V-CUBE 6 is 1.57*10^116 and weights only 212g! It consists of 218 smaller pieces, and the solid cross that supports them, enabling them to rotate independently on based axes.