Universus: Critical Role: Heroes of Exandria - Starter Deck - Percy

Universus: Critical Role: Heroes of Exandria – Starter Deck – Percy

RRP: 14.99
Now €13.59(SAVE 24%)
RRP €17.99
Expected Release Date 07/03/2025
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The magic of Critical Role returns to UniVersus with the Heroes of Exandria. Get ready to dive into an adventure of epic proportions with characters you’ve been eagerly waiting for! Pick your character (Beau or Percy), open the deck, and start playing! ● Ready-to-play decks featuring Percy give new players the opportunity to join the adventure! ● Each deck contains 61 card…
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Category Tags , , , , , SKU ZBG-JASUVSCR05-PERCY Availability Available to Pre-Order
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The magic of Critical Role returns to UniVersus with the Heroes of Exandria.
Get ready to dive into an adventure of epic proportions with characters
you’ve been eagerly waiting for! Pick your character (Beau or Percy), open
the deck, and start playing!
● Ready-to-play decks featuring Percy
give new players the opportunity to join the
● Each deck contains 61 cards (60 cards + 1
character card) focused on that character’s
particular strengths.
● Double-sided paper playmat includes a learn to
play guide on one side, and a zoned playmat on
the other side. Perfect for new players!
● Starter decks (previously called Clash Decks)
are the fastest and easiest way to learn to play

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The magic of Critical Role returns to UniVersus with the Heroes of Exandria.
Get ready to dive into an adventure of epic proportions with characters
you've been eagerly waiting for! Pick your character (Beau or Percy), open
the deck, and start playing!
● Ready-to-play decks featuring Percy
give new players the opportunity to join the
● Each deck contains 61 cards (60 cards + 1
character card) focused on that character’s
particular strengths.
● Double-sided paper playmat includes a learn to
play guide on one side, and a zoned playmat on
the other side. Perfect for new players!
● Starter decks (previously called Clash Decks)
are the fastest and easiest way to learn to play