(Unit) Godforsaken Church Domain Pack: Sorcerer

(Unit) Godforsaken Church Domain Pack: Sorcerer

RRP: £5.99
Now £5.39(SAVE 10%)
RRP £5.99
Expected Release Date 04/01/2025
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The minions of the Godforsaken Church are extremely aggressive. Many deal collateral damage, which the opponent must immediately assign to their minions or the battlefield.
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Category Tags , , , SKU ZBG-WWGSOR719 Availability Available to Pre-Order
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The minions of the Godforsaken Church are extremely aggressive. Many deal collateral damage, which the opponent must immediately assign to their minions or the battlefield.

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The minions of the Godforsaken Church are extremely aggressive. Many deal collateral damage, which the opponent must immediately assign to their minions or the battlefield.