Underworld Lairs for 5th Edition

Underworld Lairs for 5th Edition

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Darkness & Death in the Underworld An encampment of the nearly extinct drow defending an Underworld entrance. A cathedral lit by the eerie green glow of thousands of candles. A powerful lich inhabiting the corpse of a giant petrified worm. Inside, you’ll find these and more! The standalone, single-map adventures for characters of levels 3 to 15 will challenge players with the…
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Darkness & Death in the Underworld

An encampment of the nearly extinct drow defending an Underworld entrance.
A cathedral lit by the eerie green glow of thousands of candles.
A powerful lich inhabiting the corpse of a giant petrified worm.
Inside, you’ll find these and more! The standalone, single-map adventures for characters of levels 3 to 15 will challenge players with the strange societies of the derro and darakhul, fantastical locations such as the Skullcap Forest and an outpost of the Ghoul Imperium, and powerful opposition including a clan of cave giants called the Sunseekers.

Use these as a stop along your campaign or in a single, standalone session. Whether a party of heroes or those of… flexible moral fiber, they will enjoy the struggle and triumph of these Underworld Lairs. That is, unless the cave dragon adds them to the foundation of his ziggurat of bones!

Underworld Lairs uses standard monsters as well as surprising new creatures from the Creature Codex and the Tome of Beasts. Both monster books are required for maximum utility.