Undead Mummies

Undead Mummies

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The embalmed corpses of these ancient warriors from the southern deserts are slow, but almost impossible to destroy. Arrows, blades and spears puncture their mummified bodies with no apparent effect as they tear the enemy apart with blackened hands possessed of unearthly strength.10 Plastic Resin Mummies20mm BasesMantic PointModels supplied unassembled and unpainted.
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Category Tags , SKU ZMG-MGKWU18-1 Availability 3+ in stock
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The embalmed corpses of these ancient warriors from the southern deserts are slow, but almost impossible to destroy. Arrows, blades and spears puncture their mummified bodies with no apparent effect as they tear the enemy apart with blackened hands possessed of unearthly strength.10 Plastic Resin Mummies20mm BasesMantic PointModels supplied unassembled and unpainted.