Ultraviolet Grasslands Referee's Screen

Ultraviolet Grasslands Referee’s Screen

RRP: £21.99
Now £18.59(SAVE 15%)
RRP £21.99
Expected Release Date 01/04/2025
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Category Tags , SKU ZBG-EFP01027 Availability Available to Pre-Order
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Introducing the UVG 2E Referee Screen - the weapon you need to master your psychedelic metal roleplaying cosmos.

Printed on sturdier stock for robust, relentless adventuring, it brandishes the same captivating landscape on the back - the sweeping vista of the ultraviolet grassland, resplendent in its mystique.

The referee side? Reimagined. Cleaner tables, simplified mechanics, and a more legible layout empower you with the might of improvisation.

UVG 2E Referee Screen - your command center amidst the unpredictability of the game. Embrace the chaos when your players inevitably lay waste your best laid plans and turn it into riveting tales of ultraviolet triumphs.