Ultra PRO Premier Playmat Display

Ultra PRO Premier Playmat Display

RRP: £80.99
Now £63.99(SAVE 20%)
RRP £80.99
Expected Release Date 01/01/2025
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Category Tag SKU ZBG-UPR16220 Availability Available to Pre-Order
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The Ultra PRO Premier Playmat Display is perfect for storing and displaying your favorite standard size playmats and breaker mats. This screw-down display is made with ultra clear, thick acrylic to ensure your collectible playmats will be safe from dust and dirt, and features a recessed cavity to securely hold the mat in place. Display your playmats standing up on a shelf, or hang them on your wall with the included wall mounting hardware! Made with Non-PVC, acid-free materials and UV-blocking additives for premium protection.