Twilight of the Gods Age of Tribulations

Twilight of the Gods Age of Tribulations

RRP: $36.00
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Introducing two new factions, Avarice, and Devotion, each featuring new cards and mechanics.

In Twilight of the Gods, you and your friends will each assume the role of a deity from myth and legend, and battle to the death to see who is the strongest god, using human armies, mystical beasts, and heroes of renown from both past and future.

Choose a Strategy, Aggression, Negotiation, Mysticism, or Sanctuary to influence your battle

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Introducing two new factions, Avarice, and Devotion, each featuring new cards and mechanics.

In Twilight of the Gods, you and your friends will each assume the role of a deity from myth and legend, and battle to the death to see who is the strongest god, using human armies, mystical beasts, and heroes of renown from both past and future.

Choose a Strategy, Aggression, Negotiation, Mysticism, or Sanctuary to influence your battle