Turbo Dork: Sakura Metallic Acrylic Paint 22ml Bottle

Turbo Dork: Sakura Metallic Acrylic Paint 22ml Bottle

RRP: 7.00
Now €8.00
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Luckily, the paint called Sakura is not as ephemeral as its namesake. It is one of the our best pastels and will be around for a while. Note: For the most vibrant results, please use Sakura over a similarly colored basecoat, such as pink. Sakura may also be used over other basecoats such as white or black for different effects.
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Category Tags , SKU WAH-TDK025670 Availability 3+ in stock
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Luckily, the paint called Sakura is not as ephemeral as its namesake. It is one of the our best pastels and will be around for a while.

Note: For the most vibrant results, please use Sakura over a similarly colored basecoat, such as pink. Sakura may also be used over other basecoats such as white or black for different effects.