A Song of Ice and Fire: Tully Sworn Shields Expansion

A Song of Ice and Fire: Tully Sworn Shields Expansion

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The great Houses of Westeros had many other, Houses that paid fealty to them. These bonds could be quite strong, reinforced by marriage. When House Stark sent out its ravens to call their Bannermen, House Tully was quick to lend their arms (and shields) to the cause. In battle, the Sworn Shields would lock their shields together, side-by-side, creating a nearly-impenetrable wall, on…
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The great Houses of Westeros had many other, Houses that paid fealty to them. These bonds could be quite strong, reinforced by marriage. When House Stark sent out its ravens to call their Bannermen, House Tully was quick to lend their arms (and shields) to the cause. In battle, the Sworn Shields would lock their shields together, side-by-side, creating a nearly-impenetrable wall, on which even cavalry charges could be halted.

TheĀ A Song of Ice and Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game Tully Sworn ShieldsĀ unit box gives House Stark players a bulwark on the battlefield. Sworn Shields can utilize their Shieldwall order to negate hits to their front facing, dulling an enemy charge or subsequent attacks against them. Meanwhile, their trusty longswords will show that this unit isnā€™t entirely defensive in nature. The set includes 12 miniatures in four different sculpts, along with the unitā€™s stat card and movement tray.

A Song of Ice & Fire: Tabletop Miniatures GameĀ is a competitive miniatures game for two or more players. Each player controls one of the Great Houses of Westeros, commanding battlefield units, recruiting legendary Heroes, and manipulating the political stage, in the attempt to claim the greatest prize of all: The Iron Throne.