Star Wars LCG: Trust in the Force expansion

Star Wars LCG: Trust in the Force expansion

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Fantasy Flight Games is proud to announce the upcoming release of Trust in the Force, the fifth Force Pack in the Alliances cycle for Star Wars™: The Card Game! While the mighty mechanical feet of the Galactic Empire’s AT-ATs and AT-STs trample across the galaxy, the defenders of freedom hide themselves on desert planets and in the icy wastes, biding their time until they ca…
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Category Tags , , SKU ZBG-FFGSWC41 Availability Out of stock
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Fantasy Flight Games is proud to announce the upcoming release of Trust in the Force, the fifth Force Pack in the Alliances cycle for Star Wars?: The Card Game! While the mighty mechanical feet of the Galactic Empire's AT-ATs and AT-STs trample across the galaxy, the defenders of freedom hide themselves on desert planets and in the icy wastes, biding their time until they can mount a critical counterattack. The Jedi haven fallen. Alderaan has been destroyed. But these Scouts, Leaders, Troopers, and Force Users still have hope for a brighter future. They still trust that if they can rally new recruits?and spur new worlds to action?they can still win the war. With its sixty new cards (including two copies each of five new objective sets), Trust in the Force pushes the Alliances cycle closer to its climactic conclusion. Even as it continues to develop the cycle's support for decks that feature two or more affiliations, Trust in the Force follows the march of General Veers and his Walkers across the frozen surface of Hoth. It lends support to those massive war machines with a new Scum objective set that protects and enhances your Vehicles. And it peers into the hidden corners of Hoth and Tatooine, where Jawas, Rebel Troopers, and Jedi Masters all work in secret to rally new forces against Imperial tyranny.