Trunk of Drunk
Player Interaction
Component Quality
You Might Like
- The simplicity of the games
- Easily portable for social gatherings
- The nostalgia of your younger years
Might Not Like
- The amount of drinking involved
- Realising your body doesn't recuperate as quickly as it used to!
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Trunk of Drunk is a compilation of everything you need to play the 8 greatest drinking games ever. Get set to play:
Beer Pong - Get balls deep in fun with this boozy classic!
Never Have I Ever - Find out how filthy your friends really are!
Ring of Fire (aka King's Cup) - If drunk is the aim, then this is the game!
Screw The Dealer - Fast-paced guessing game with a boozy finale!
21's - You can count to 21 right?... wrong!
Flip Cup - Beautifully simple, outrageously fun.
Arrogance - This game will show who has balls of steel.
Most Likely - 1 part bitchy, 2 parts hilarious!
Games Box Contains:
20 red solo cups, 4 Ping Pong Balls,
52 Custom Playing Cards,
Games Rules Booklet
What’s better than one alcohol-fueled party game? Not 2… not 4… but 8 party games rolled into one neat little box! Trunk of Drunk by Gutter Games is taking things back to before party games went mainstream, and is reigniting the classic games we all loved to play alongside a great group of friends and…let’s face it, a mammoth amount of alcohol. Trunk of Drunk have cleverly put together a repertoire of old school games and provided all the resources you need to throw, read from, catch, and drink from for the evening! *Alcohol sold separately*
While I would be shooketh to discover someone isn’t familiar with games like Beer Pong and I Have Never, do not fear if you’re not a veteran of these games as Trunk of Drunk provides a fun, easy-to-read and helpful instruction booklet, complete with rules on how to measure your drinks just to make sure you get sh*tfaced good and proper.
Beer Pong
A game that needs no introduction, Beer Pong is an entertaining game regardless of how accurate your aim is! This classic game can’t be missed and is a great way to kick things off and get everyone loosened up with a few (or a few too many!) drinks and some physical activity (it still counts).
Good for: 2-8 Players
Flip Cup
Flip Cup takes the coordination and team qualities of Beer Pong but throws in guaranteed drinking and a race against your opponents to win. This game is played with 2 teams standing in a line along opposite sides of a table with a drink in front of each player. One by one on each time, each player must down their drink as quickly as possible then balance the cup face up on the edge of the table, and, using their fingers flip the bottom of the cup to try and get it to land face down on the table *warning: may result in sticky tables and stained tablecloths*. The player must keep resetting and flipping until they get the cup to land face down, at which point the next player begins to guzzle their drink. First team to get through all drinks and successful flips is the winner!
Good for: 6-14 Players
I Have Never
Ahhh, the game that reveals all. The rules are simple: A person states ‘I have never’ followed by an action, and anyone who has done that must drink. Normally, I Have Never statements are imagined by each player, so depending on whether your friends are saint-like or downright dirtay, will determine the kinds of statements that come out. However, Trunk of Drunk removes the need to come up with your own statements by providing cards with pre-written statements on them…and with prompts like “I have never seen another person in this room naked” and “I have never created a homemade video” they can raise some juicy questions. So take a good look at the group you’re with and have a think about what you’re comfortable revealing before you pull out this game!
Good for: 4-20 Players
Most Likely
Another classic that’s sure to reveal what everyone thinks of each other, Most Likely needs little explanation. Each person takes a turn to read out a “Most likely to…” card, at which point everyone points to the person they think best fits that description. The person with the most fingers pointed at them drinks! Find out who everyone thinks is “Most likely to get a drunk tattoo”, or “Most likely to star in a porno”.
Good for: 4-20 Players
Screw the Dealer
In Screw the Dealer, players face off against one elected dealer to guess what card the dealer’s holding and make them drink. The dealer starts off by shuffling the deck of cards numbered 1-13 face down, then looks at the top card’s number. Each player takes 2 turns to correctly guess what number is on the top card – if they answer incorrectly on their first guess, the dealer must state if the card is higher or lower than what was guessed. If they guess incorrectly again, the player must drink the number of fingers between their guess and the actual card number.
However, if they guessed correctly, the dealer drinks. Starting off with 13 numbers to guess from can be tricky and the dealer definitely has the upper hand for the first few rounds. However, as cards are used they are placed face up on the table, allowing the players to see what cards have already been played and what are still left, increasing the chances of guessing the dealer’s card. A dealer is only allowed to pass over the reins if they win against 3 players consecutively. So, unless you’re someone who loves getting sh*tfaced, being a dealer towards the second half of the game will not be your thing!
Good for: 2-10 Players
King’s Cup
The booklet starts off describing this game saying ‘If drunk is the aim, then this is the game’, and boy are they right! Don’t worry if you’re not familiar with King’s Cup or its alias Ring of Fire; it’s super simple. A set or deck of cards is spread in a circle with a cup in the middle – the King’s cup. One by one, each player takes a card from the circle and completes the corresponding action. This often requires everyone else to join in or follow and one person will generally be left having to drink.
Over the course of the game, the King’s Cup will be filled with alcohol. The last person to draw the ‘13’ card, must drink the contents. This is one time you hope everyone is drinking the same liquor, but often this ends in a horrendous mixture of wine, beer, and sugary cocktails. Playing King’s Cup is simple but once you start having to remember all of the rules/actions then it can quite quickly become a chaotic mess as you watch people’s delay in catching on to actions.
Good for: 4-12 Players
Trunk of Drunk: Final Thoughts
You simply can’t go wrong with the classics, and Trunk of Drunk is an easy set of games to play with those who do not consider themselves ‘board game fans’. Although these days I’m more of a fan of the newer party-style games like Secret Hitler and Chameleon, it was great going back to some of the OG drinking games and keeping things simple. This allowed our group to spend more time spurring people on, getting rowdy, and laughing our heads off. I hadn’t played a few of the games before, so it was also great to try a few new ones.
What’s more, there’s a game to be played no matter if you’re with a group of 5 or 15, but some games are definitely more entertaining played with larger numbers while others are just as good with a smaller group. If you’re looking for a variety of quick to learn, fun to play games that you can enjoy with an abundance of alcohol, Trunk of Drunk is an excellent choice.
Zatu Score
- Artwork
- Complexity
- Replayability
- Player Interaction
- Component Quality
You might like
- The simplicity of the games
- Easily portable for social gatherings
- The nostalgia of your younger years
Might not like
- The amount of drinking involved
- Realising your body doesn't recuperate as quickly as it used to!