Android Netrunner LCG: True Colors Data Pack

Android Netrunner LCG: True Colors Data Pack

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In True Colors, the Corps and Runners of Android: Netrunner struggle to control the flow of information in three realities – the physical world, the virtual world, and the world of public perception. Sixty new cards reinforce each faction’s core strengths and add layers upon layers of bluffs and deception. With a host of cards to manipulate tags and bad publicity, True C…
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Category Tags , , SKU ZBG-FFGADN12 Availability Out of stock
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In True Colors, the Corps and Runners of Android: Netrunner struggle to control the flow of information in three realities - the physical world, the virtual world, and the world of public perception. Sixty new cards reinforce each faction's core strengths and add layers upon layers of bluffs and deception. With a host of cards to manipulate tags and bad publicity, True Colors brings the game's high stakes cybercrime more fully into the public eye than ever before. Can you separate the truth from the spin? The fourth Data Pack in the Spin Cycle for Android: Netrunner Allows Corps to choose between Black Ops and PR strategies, or to balance both Offers each faction new options within its core strengths Ages 13 2 players