Triss A Grain of Truth - The Witcher: Path of Destiny

Triss A Grain of Truth – The Witcher: Path of Destiny

RRP: $29.99
Now $31.70(SAVE 16%)
RRP $37.99
Expected Release Date 31/12/2024
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A dear friend of Geralt, Yennefer and Ciri. She’s a powerful sorceress wielding elemental magic, an alchemy expert who is also allergic to potions. Her teleportation abilities can become handy when luck in cards abandons you during your turn. In the dark corners of the Witcher world, not everything is what it seems. Delve into the mysteries of Nivellen and see how you manage when…
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Category Tag SKU ZBG-REBPOD2TGTEN Availability Available to Pre-Order
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A dear friend of Geralt, Yennefer and Ciri. She’s a powerful sorceress wielding elemental magic, an alchemy expert who is also allergic to potions. Her teleportation abilities can become handy when luck in cards abandons you during your turn.

In the dark corners of the Witcher world, not everything is what it seems. Delve into the mysteries of Nivellen and see how you manage when the rules of the game change!

- 1 Player board
- 2 Standees
- 2 Miniatures
- 1 Base ring
- 1 Victory point miniature
- 1 Plastic base ring
- 4 Ability Markers
- 2 Exp markers
- 6 Action cards
- 23 Large cards
- 1 Solo help card
- 16 Small cards
- 1 Solo player board
- 1 Token punchboard
- 1 Tuck-in box
- 1 Rulebook
- 2 Plastic Tray + Lid

Set in well-known world of The Witcher
- Play as one of the character known from the saga and use their uniqe abilities to become the main character in the story

Immersive theme with interesting choices
- Game allows you to change the course of history known from the saga, A Grain of Truth

Engaging gameplay
- Outplay your oponents by creating and abandoning aliances and managing your hand and tableau

Easy to learn
- Game suitablle not only for hobby gamers but also for someone who whant to start an adventure with board games

High-quality illustrations, graphics and well-crafted miniatures