Trigun Volume 2 (Paperback)

Trigun Volume 2 (Paperback)

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Set in some kind of post-apocalypse western future, Trigun continues to knit a goofy yet mysterious story about a nice-guy gunslinger with a dangerous past and a huge bounty on his head. Everyone is after Vash the Stampede, but no one can put a bullet in him. Adding to the comedy is the pair of ladies working for an insurance company who must put a stop to Vash's destruction, though…
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Category Tag SKU ZTP-9781593070533 Availability Backorder
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Set in some kind of post-apocalypse western future, Trigun continues to knit a goofy yet mysterious story about a nice-guy gunslinger with a dangerous past and a huge bounty on his head. Everyone is after Vash the Stampede, but no one can put a bullet in him. Adding to the comedy is the pair of ladies working for an insurance company who must put a stop to Vash's destruction, though they certainly don't believe this amiable prankster is the vicious destroyer. It's a fun read, and super thick, packed full of silliness and action.