Treasury of the Kingdom (Pathfinder Second Edition)

Treasury of the Kingdom (Pathfinder Second Edition)

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Treasury of the Kingdom brings you a bevy of Pathfinder Second Edition magical items perfect for the freeholder lords of a newborn kingdom hacked out of the wilderness. Here can be found tools of war like the shield of the encroaching forest and battle standard of the fallen, but also implements of exploration to blaze trails through forest and field, hill and vale like the survival…
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Treasury of the Kingdom brings you a bevy of Pathfinder Second Edition magical items perfect for the freeholder lords of a newborn kingdom hacked out of the wilderness. Here can be found tools of war like the shield of the encroaching forest and battle standard of the fallen, but also implements of exploration to blaze trails through forest and field, hill and vale like the survivalist's arrow and scout's spyglass. Characters carving out a domain to rule will also find items to help manage their lands like instant signal towers, crown of affirmation, and the plow of the abundant harvest. Finally, since explorers in the deep wild are not moving into lands uninhabited, but rather places that are haunted by the magical and mysterious fey and monstrous tribes alike, from the burning skull mace and beldam's eye to the staff of the fey queen! In all, you'll find over 40 magic items, from single-use ephemera to a pair of mighty artifacts; everything you'll need to stock your wilderness kingdom campaign with an array of awesome items to intrigue your players and enrich their enemies.