Traveller: Mercenaries of Charted Space

Traveller: Mercenaries of Charted Space

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Mercenaries of Charted Space explores the mercenary marketplace in Charted Space, from the Zhodani Consulate to the rimward fringes; from the Aslan Hierate to the Two Thousand worlds. The unique characteristics of each region are detailed, along with some of the dealers, agencies and notable mercenary forces found there… and ongoing conflicts to plunge right into.
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Mercenaries of Charted Space explores the mercenary marketplace in Charted Space, from the Zhodani Consulate to the rimward fringes; from the Aslan Hierate to the Two Thousand worlds. The unique characteristics of each region are detailed, along with some of the dealers, agencies and notable mercenary forces found there… and ongoing conflicts to plunge right into.


Mercenaries of Charted Space explores the mercenary marketplace in Charted Space, from the Zhodani Consulate to the rimward fringes; from the Aslan Hierate to the Two Thousand worlds. The unique characteristics of each region are detailed, along with some of the dealers, agencies and notable mercenary forces found there… and ongoing conflicts to plunge right into.