Transformers Roleplaying Game: Technorganic Secrets Sourcebook

Transformers Roleplaying Game: Technorganic Secrets Sourcebook

RRP: 37.99
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RRP €45.99
Expected Release Date 01/03/2025
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Unleash the power of the Technorganic Secrets and embark on thrilling adventures in the Beast Wars or explore animal forms for your Autobots and Decepticons. With iconic characters like Optimus Primal, Blackarachnia, Grimlock, Tankor, and Megatron at your disposal, you’ll have a rich cast to tell some of the best stories in the Transformers Roleplaying Game. Create fan-favourite ch…
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Category Tags , , SKU ZBG-RGS01169 Availability Available to Pre-Order
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Unleash the power of the Technorganic Secrets and embark on thrilling adventures in the Beast Wars or explore animal forms for your Autobots and Decepticons. With iconic characters like Optimus Primal, Blackarachnia, Grimlock, Tankor, and Megatron at your disposal, you’ll have a rich cast to tell some of the best stories in the Transformers Roleplaying Game.

Create fan-favourite characters, including the Dinobots and Maximals, while also unlocking new gear options for Alt Mode and Beast Modes. This expansion provides invaluable advice for crafting Beast Wars-style campaigns with a limited recurring cast of characters, exploring alien worlds, and confronting Quantum Surge events that threaten the fabric of reality itself.

Key Features:

New origins and influences for Cybertronians who take beast forms, including Fuzor combinations and how to unlock the power of Transmetal forms.
Threat Stats and Contacts for major characters from the Maximals, Dinobots, Predacons, Vehicons, and other factions. Explore alternate scenarios with unique versions of signature characters.
13 new General Perks, 5 new weapons, new shields, and animal companion rules, ensuring your Cybertronian is never alone on their intergalactic journeys.
Guidance for creating Beast Wars-style campaigns, featuring a recurring cast of beloved characters.

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Unleash the power of the Technorganic Secrets and embark on thrilling adventures in the Beast Wars or explore animal forms for your Autobots and Decepticons. With iconic characters like Optimus Primal, Blackarachnia, Grimlock, Tankor, and Megatron at your disposal, you’ll have a rich cast to tell some of the best stories in the Transformers Roleplaying Game.

Create fan-favourite characters, including the Dinobots and Maximals, while also unlocking new gear options for Alt Mode and Beast Modes. This expansion provides invaluable advice for crafting Beast Wars-style campaigns with a limited recurring cast of characters, exploring alien worlds, and confronting Quantum Surge events that threaten the fabric of reality itself.

Key Features:

New origins and influences for Cybertronians who take beast forms, including Fuzor combinations and how to unlock the power of Transmetal forms.
Threat Stats and Contacts for major characters from the Maximals, Dinobots, Predacons, Vehicons, and other factions. Explore alternate scenarios with unique versions of signature characters.
13 new General Perks, 5 new weapons, new shields, and animal companion rules, ensuring your Cybertronian is never alone on their intergalactic journeys.
Guidance for creating Beast Wars-style campaigns, featuring a recurring cast of beloved characters.