Tourmented Souls 2 - PS5

Tourmented Souls 2 – PS5

RRP: $39.99
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RRP $50.99
Expected Release Date 31/12/2024
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Tormented Souls is a return to classic survival horror. With a fresh twist on the fixed perspective adventure, Tormented Souls modernises for a new generation - as Caroline Walker investigates the mysterious disappearance of twin girls in a terrifying mansion-turned-hospital.

Caroline Walker Returns! After the events of Wildberger Hospital, Caroline yearns for a normal life with her younger sister, Anna. However, fate has other plans. As Anna falls victim to a mysterious affliction, coughing blood and experiencing blackened eyes and moments of unconsciousness, conventional remedies prove futile. In a desperate bid to save her sister, Caroline must turn to the supernatural.
An All New Setting Filled With Unspeakable Horrors…Welcome to Puerto Miller, a remote Southern American town with a chilling past. Founded ages ago by the reclusive Ismuit tribe—a small religious group that shunned the outside world—the town conceals unspeakable horrors beneath its ancient exterior.
Combat Terrifying Creatures With Makeshift Weapons- Face pulse-pounding combat as you confront monstrous creatures using a range of ingenious makeshift weapons. Every corner may hide an enemy, so resource management is key to survival
Solve Mind-Bending Environmental-Based Puzzles- Utilise logic and reasoning to forge connections between items found in the environment and the intricately designed puzzles. Creatively combine resources to unlock twisted enigmas and delve deeper into the dark mysteries that shroud your path