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In Touria, Princess Tara has decided to marry ā€“ but not just anyone, of course. She expects a lot from her husband-to-be: Heroic deeds and precious gifts are a must. A group of bold adventurers set out to pit themselves against dragons, dig up gems from the haunted mines of the country ā€“ and make a good deal from time to time, since the father of the bride demands an appropriate…
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In Touria, Princess Tara has decided to marry Ā– but not just anyone, of course. She expects a lot from her husband-to-be: Heroic deeds and precious gifts are a must. A group of bold adventurers set out to pit themselves against dragons, dig up gems from the haunted mines of the country Ā– and make a good deal from time to time, since the father of the bride demands an appropriate price for his daughter's hand. Touria's dancing towers show the heroes the way, so the brave men and women go from one adventure to the next. Brave women? Of course Ā– or have we forgotten to mention that Tara's handsome brother, Prince Talan, is also of marriageable age? Players 2-4 Playing time 45-60 Ages 10