Touched by the Gods

Touched by the Gods

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Bring religious and secular conflict to your OGL games with this Penumbra supplement. Even in a world overflowing with magic, the mark of the gods is unmistakable. Some mortals actively curry the gods' favor, serving their high ideals or executing their blasphemous designs. Those whom the gods have touched may be inspired, blessed, cursed - the saint and the prophet, the genius and …
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Bring religious and secular conflict to your OGL games with this Penumbra supplement. Even in a world overflowing with magic, the mark of the gods is unmistakable. Some mortals actively curry the gods' favor, serving their high ideals or executing their blasphemous designs. Those whom the gods have touched may be inspired, blessed, cursed - the saint and the prophet, the genius and the madman, sometimes one and the same person.

In Touched by the Gods, you'll find information and advice on how to use the mysteries of the occult or the gods to fuel your games. It includes in-depth background for fifteen cults, secret societies, and cabals, featuring histories, dogma, holy rites, and adventure seeds.

Also included are new gods, rituals, NPCs, holy relics, and clerical abilities to help bring new dimensions to your favorite fantasy game.