Torg Eternity: Nile Empire Map Pack 1

Torg Eternity: Nile Empire Map Pack 1

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This high-quality, double sided map brings the Nile Empire into focus on your table. On one side is the Cairo Market, with cluttered streets for chases and rooftops perfect for vigilantes to swing from. Great for battles in any city in the empire! On the reverse side is the Cairo Nightclub. This classy joint is a perfect hideout for gangsters, and features plenty of cover for a rip-…
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Category Tag SKU ZBG-ULIUNA10050 Availability Out of stock
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This high-quality, double sided map brings the Nile Empire into focus on your table. On one side is the Cairo Market, with cluttered streets for chases and rooftops perfect for vigilantes to swing from. Great for battles in any city in the empire!

On the reverse side is the Cairo Nightclub. This classy joint is a perfect hideout for gangsters, and features plenty of cover for a rip-roaring firefight. It also includes a portion of the street outside for drive-by shootings and car chases!