Tiny Epic Kingdoms: Heroes' Call

Tiny Epic Kingdoms: Heroes’ Call

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Everybunny knows that rabbits love the countryside – and carrots, of course! The best carrots of all grow between the train tracks ? but you have to keep an eye out for trains! Roll the dice and hop your rabbit to the best carrot patch; as long as you don’t need to flee out of the path of the train, you can happily nibble away.The player with the most carrots at the end …
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You are a tiny kingdom with big ambition.You want to expand your population throughout the realms, learn powerful magic, build grand towers, and have your neighbors quiver at the mention of your name.The conflict? All of the other kingdoms want the same thing and there's not enough room for everyone to succeed...In Tiny Epic Kingdoms, a 4x fantasy game in a pocket-size package, each player starts with a unique faction (which has a unique technology tree) and a small territory.Throughout the game, players collect resources, explore other territories, battle each other, research magic, and work to build a great tower to protect their realm.