Time Jockeys

Time Jockeys

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The Titor Corporation invented the first time machines. Work for them as a time jockey to go back in time and retrieve cool items and videos that are worth millions. Make as much money as you can fulfilling contracts — and try to stay alive. In Time Jockeys, you bid on contracts and use spies to try to sabotage others’ contracts, then roll a 12-sided die to determine the var…
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Category SKU ZBG-BAK007 Availability Out of stock
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The Titor Corporation invented the first time machines. Work for them as a time jockey to go back in time and retrieve cool items and videos that are worth millions.

Make as much money as you can fulfilling contracts — and try to stay alive.

In Time Jockeys, you bid on contracts and use spies to try to sabotage others' contracts, then roll a 12-sided die to determine the variable success of their endeavours. Money comes from the Titor Corp.

For successfully completed contracts and from an underground society known as L.U.C. (League for an Uninterrupted Continuum) for deploying successful spies.

  • Ages 12+
  • 2 - 6 Players
  • 25min Playing Time