Tile Chess 2nd Edition

Tile Chess 2nd Edition

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In Tile Chess, the board isn’t used and the pieces are represented by tiles. The pieces move in the traditional fashion, including capturing and the game and the pieces for that matter is held together by the restriction that each piece must always be connected to another piece, with that piece being connected to another, etc. Thanks to this requirement, the board and the grid…
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In Tile Chess, the board isn't used and the pieces are represented by tiles. The pieces move in the traditional fashion, including capturing and the game and the pieces for that matter is held together by the restriction that each piece must always be connected to another piece, with that piece being connected to another, etc. Thanks to this requirement, the board and the grid that the pieces move on is formed by the pieces themselves . You cannot make moves that would orphan pieces, which adds an interesting wrinkle to the game and to make matters worse (in a good way), you might have to defend yourself against more than just one opponent...

A exhilarating Board Game! Tile Chess is fun, easy to learn, and keeps advanced players on their toes. From the renowned Steve Jackson Games Studio comes a great game for the entire family.

  • Ages 12+
  • 2-6 players
  • 90 minutes playing time