Thug Life: The Board Game

Thug Life: The Board Game

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Thug Life is a fast paced, brutal game of street combat, resource management, and running a criminal empire set in the mean streets of urban America. As a Boss, you will recruit Thugs into your gang, send them out into the Streets to commit crimes, fight other bosses, and hold down your turf to gain respect. The first Boss to earn 13 points of respect will be crowned king of the str…
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Category Tags , SKU ZBG-MDLTL001 Availability Available to Pre-Order
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Thug Life is a fast paced, brutal game of street combat, resource management, and running a criminal empire set in the mean streets of urban America.

As a Boss, you will recruit Thugs into your gang, send them out into the Streets to commit crimes, fight other bosses, and hold down your turf to gain respect.

The first Boss to earn 13 points of respect will be crowned king of the streets!