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Thornwatch is a graphic novel adventure game for 2-5 players and a Judge. Players are manifestations of the Thornwatch: scarred veterans of the Eyrewood who now live as spirits summoned by the ancient ritual of tying a knot of thorns around a birch tree. The Thornwatch summoned to a particular tree do not necessarily know each other or the true nature of the problem they’ve be…
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Thornwatch is a graphic novel adventure game for 2-5 players and a Judge. Players are manifestations of the Thornwatch: scarred veterans of the Eyrewood who now live as spirits summoned by the ancient ritual of tying a knot of thorns around a birch tree. The Thornwatch summoned to a particular tree do not necessarily know each other or the true nature of the problem they've been called to resolve; all they know is that they've answered the call, and they're bound to see it through.