The Whispering Dark

The Whispering Dark

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At war with Russia, United States Special Forces confront a supernatural horror in this military thriller from a writer of the video games Battlefield 1 and Star Wars Battlefront II. Illustrated by the artist of Night of the Living Dead: Aftermath and Garth Ennis’ War Stories, this suspenseful graphic novel combines the cosmic terror of H.P. Lovecraft’s At the Mountains …
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At war with Russia, United States Special Forces confront a supernatural horror in this military thriller from a writer of the video games Battlefield 1 and Star Wars Battlefront II. Illustrated by the artist of Night of the Living Dead: Aftermath and Garth Ennis' War Stories, this suspenseful graphic novel combines the cosmic terror of H.P. Lovecraft's At the Mountains of Madness with the unflinching gaze of Francis Ford Coppola's Apocalypse Now, bringing readers on a horrifying descent into the heart of darkness.