The Vale of Eternity Artifacts Expansion

The Vale of Eternity Artifacts Expansion

RRP: 24.99
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Discover amazing new creatures and unleash the potential of Artifacts! Select one Artifact each round and create powerful synergies and combinations. The Vale of Eternity: Artifacts, an expansion for The Vale of Eternity, adds 28 creature cards with new effects to the deck, as well as artifacts that players draft during the hunting phase at the start of each round. This is an expa…
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Category Tags , , SKU ZBG-RGS02784 Availability Available to Pre-Order
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Discover amazing new creatures and unleash the potential of Artifacts! Select one Artifact each round and create powerful synergies and combinations.

The Vale of Eternity: Artifacts, an expansion for The Vale of Eternity, adds 28 creature cards with new effects to the deck, as well as artifacts that players draft during the hunting phase at the start of each round.

This is an expansion. The core game is required to play.