The True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys: National Anthem (Deluxe Edition) (Hardback)

The True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys: National Anthem (Deluxe Edition) (Hardback)

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Forget everything you already knew about the Fabulous Killjoys! Writers Gerard Way and Shaun Simon, along with Illustrator Leonardo Romero (Hawkeye), colourist Jordie Bellaire (Redlands), and letterer Nate Piekos (The Umbrella Academy) team up to present an all-new modern day Killjoys series as Way and Simon take it all the way back to the original story that inspired My Chemical Ro…
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Category Tag SKU ZTP-9781506726007 Availability 3+ in stock
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Forget everything you already knew about the Fabulous Killjoys! Writers Gerard Way and Shaun Simon, along with Illustrator Leonardo Romero (Hawkeye), colourist Jordie Bellaire (Redlands), and letterer Nate Piekos (The Umbrella Academy) team up to present an all-new modern day Killjoys series as Way and Simon take it all the way back to the original story that inspired My Chemical Romance's concept album Danger Days and its dystopian comic book series in The True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys: National Anthem.