Android Netrunner LCG: The Spaces Between Data Pack

Android Netrunner LCG: The Spaces Between Data Pack

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The Spaces Between is the second Data Pack in the Lunar Cycle for Android: Netrunner The Card Game. Its sixty cards (three copies each of twenty different cards) continue to reestablish the game’s cyberstruggles amid the moon’s reduced gravity, recycled air, and corporate-sponsored colonies. Meanwhile, it simultaneously re-examines one of the game’s fundamental con…
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Category Tags , , SKU ZBG-FFGADN17 Availability Out of stock
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The Spaces Between Data Pack, for Android: Netrunner is the second in the Lunar Cycle following Upstalk. Its sixty cards (three copies each of twenty different cards) continue to reestablish the game's cyberstruggles amid the moon's reduced gravity, recycled air, and corporate-sponsored colonies. Meanwhile, it simultaneously re-examines one of the game's fundamental conceits. What happens to events and operations after they're played?

In The Spaces Between Data Pack, every faction gains a new current, a type of event or operation that isn't immediately resolved and discarded after it's played, but that resides in the data streams somewhere between a state of transience and a state of permanence. The new mechanics and interactions that these currents promote are likely to create an entirely new game within the game as Corp and Runner vie not only for control of the game's data, but also for the spaces between the data.

Still, The Spaces Between offers more than its new current events and operations to the game's struggle, as it blurs the boundaries between card types with a number of other upgrades, viruses, and resources that mimic the effects of Ambushes and events. How will you blur the boundaries between card types? Explore The Spaces Between!