The Silurian Age - Doctor Who RPG

The Silurian Age – Doctor Who RPG

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The Necromancer may have been cast out of Dol Guldur, but a lingering darkness remains over Mirkwood, a shadow that will grow ever longer as the years draw on – unless a fellowship of heroes step forward and hold back the gloom. The Darkening of Mirkwood is a complete campaign for The One Ring, set in Mirkwood over the course of three decades. It allows you to tell your own ep…
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The Doctor and his companions often venture forwards in time, into the far future of humanity, where spaceships ply the stars and adventure can be found on even the smallest moon. But what about... backwards? To a time before there was any humanity, to a time when the Earth was roamed by dinosaurs and another species laid claim to it: the Silurians. This supplement for the Doctor Who Roleplaying Game contains rules and background for visiting prehistoric Earth, including stats for all manner of different dinosaurs. For the convenience of the Doctor Who Roleplaying Game gamesmaster, the dinosaur bestiary gathers together creatures that have appeared in other Vortex System titles, which now appear together in one volume for the first time. It also contains an in-depth look at the Silurian race, including a ready-made Silurian city to visit. But that's not all! It also contains a complete set of spaceship rules, including rules for Silurian Arks, for when you want to combine both dinosaurs and spaceships in an adventure! Written by Will Brooks, Andrew Kenrick, John Snead and Alasdair Stuart, with additional writing from Gareth Ryder-Hanrahan, John M. Kahane and Kieran Turley.