The Shadow Theater: The Legend of The Monkey King

The Shadow Theater: The Legend of The Monkey King

RRP: £21.99
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RRP £21.99
Expected Release Date 01/01/2025
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Welcome to the legend of the Monkey King! Place your monkeys, harvest immortality peaches, collect jades and forge your legend. Grab the dragon’s weapons to surprise your opponent, and use tactics, opportunism and cunning to win the game. Revisit the famous Chinese tale of the Monkey King in a worker placement game for 2 players.Streamlined game mechanics and constant tension …
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Category Tags , SKU ZBG-ASMSCLRS01EN Availability Available to Pre-Order
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Welcome to the legend of the Monkey King! Place your monkeys, harvest immortality peaches, collect jades and forge your legend. Grab the dragon’s weapons to surprise your opponent, and use tactics, opportunism and cunning to win the game. Revisit the famous Chinese tale of the Monkey King in a worker placement game for 2 players.Streamlined game mechanics and constant tension in the tactical choices available to players.A design reminiscent of traditional Chinese shadow theatre for a rare editorial immersion in a 2-player board game. 2 PLAYERS | 20 MINS | AGES 10+

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Welcome to the legend of the Monkey King! Place your monkeys, harvest immortality peaches, collect jades and forge your legend. Grab the dragon's weapons to surprise your opponent, and use tactics, opportunism and cunning to win the game. Revisit the famous Chinese tale of the Monkey King in a worker placement game for 2 players.Streamlined game mechanics and constant tension in the tactical choices available to players.A design reminiscent of traditional Chinese shadow theatre for a rare editorial immersion in a 2-player board game. 2 PLAYERS | 20 MINS | AGES 10+