The Shadow of Death: Spartacus Boardgame Exp

The Shadow of Death: Spartacus Boardgame Exp

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Playing time: 120 – 180 minutes.
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Category Tag SKU ZBG-GFNSPAR003 Availability Out of stock
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Gale Force Nine is pleased to announce a new expansion, Spartacus: The Shadow of Death for their acclaimed boardgame, Spartacus: A Game of Blood and Treachery.The Shadow of Death is cast over the arena! This expansion adds new versions of Spartacus, Crixus and a more powerful Theokoles to game, each with special Primus abilities.The expansion also includes special gladiator models to represent Spartacus, Crixus and Theokoles during the Arena Phase.A new noble house is available to players, the esteemed Magistrate Calavius.The expansion also introduces Festivals, special Primus altering events to honor the capricious Roman gods.Boast about the prowess of your gladiators to receive lavish rewards, but be sure your fighters can live up to your claims or see influence wane.Will your house quail under the dark shadow?